Wiki cointelpro
May 12, 2020 The intended purposes and methods of OSWT and COINTELPRO nearly duplicate each other.
Cointelpro was a secret program made by the FBI directed against domestic groups also known as Counter Intellegence Program. Cointelpro was organized in 1956 and ended in 1971. Cointelpro mostly targeted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and tried to destroy him in anyway possible. They also went after the Black Panthers and other political leaders that they believed were aginst the goverment. But ист КОИНТЕЛПРО Программа операций против подрывной деятельности [subversive activities] и Attention: "COINTELPRO" contains classified information.Only authorized personnel with the proper clearances can view "COINTELPRO" COINTELPRO (acronym) an acronym that stands for "Counter Intelligence Programs" the FBI used in the 60's and 70's to neutralize liberals and terrorists like John Lennon and Martin Luther King. a really good idea then. an even better idea today.
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Metody sahaly od infiltrace, vytváření frakcí, psychologické války, obtěžování skrze policii a justiční systém až po mimoprávní násilí. Cointelpro. — Vintage, 1976. Theoharis, Athan, Spying on Americans: Political Surveillance from Hoover to the Huston Plan ( Temple University Press , 1978). English: COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counterintelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveying, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations. COINTELPRO, derived from Counter Intelligence Program, was a series of cover projects carried out by the FBI aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting American political organizations deemed "subversive". These ranged from anti-Vietnam War organizers, Civil Rights movement activists, environmentalist and animal rights organizations, feminist groups, anti-colonial Jean Dorothy Seberg (/ ˈ s iː b ɜːr ɡ /; French: [ʒin sebɛʁɡ]; November 13, 1938 – August 30, 1979) was an American actress who lived half her life in France.
«Опасная роль Джин Сиберг» (англ. Seberg) — американо-британский политический триллер режиссёра Бенедикта Эндрюса по сценарию Джо Шрапнеля и Анны Уотерхаус. Мировая премьера фильма состоялась 30 августа 2019 года в
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States is a book by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall, first published in 1990. COINTELPRO (an acronym of CO unter INTEL ligence PRO gram) were a series of covert and often times illegal activities conducted by the FBI with the intention of surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting New Left political organizations and their leaders protecting America and its people from evil commies and Negroes.
COINTELPRO From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) was a program of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States.
do 1971. protiv pojedinaca i organizacija koje su se smatrale "ekstremističkim" ili "subverzivnim", a koji je za cilj, prema službenim FBI-jevim dokumentima imao očuvanje "nacionalne COINTELPRO (singkatan untuk Counter Intelligence Program; "Program Risik Balas") ialah serantaian projek menyamar, dan selalunya salah di sisi undang-undang, yang dijalankan oleh Biro Penyiasatan Persekutuan (FBI) Amerika Syarikat dengan tujuan memantau, menyusup masuk, mencemarkan nama baik, dan mengganggu pertubuhan politik tempatan. COINTELPRO, which is short for Counter Intelligence Program, was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during the 1950s and 60s, aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting American political organizations. The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States is a book by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall, first published in 1990.
COINTELPRO (КОИНТЕЛПРО, Counter Intelligence Program, «контрразведывательная программа») — секретная コインテルプロ(英語: COINTELPRO, Counter Intelligence Programの略 )とは、初代FBI(連邦捜査局)長官ジョン・エドガー・フーヴァーによって開発された極秘プログラムである。 1956年から1971年まで、FBIが実施して実行した一連の違法かつ極秘行動で構成されている 。 This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: 1 History00:13:41 1.1 Program exposed00:17:31 2 Intended e n.
"COINTELPRO"is a COINTELPRO ( slabičná zkratka odvozená z programu COunter INTELligence PROgram) (1956 - neznámá) byla řada skrytých a nelegálních projektů prováděných Federálním úřadem pro vyšetřování (FBI) USA zaměřených na průzkum, infiltraci, diskreditaci a narušení domácích amerických politických organizací .Záznamy FBI ukazují zdroje COINTELPRO zaměřené na skupiny a cointelpro, похожая американская программа по сбору информации о группах, считающихся подрывными Список Оруэлла Примечания [ править | править код ] Bandaríska alríkislögreglan hóf aðgerð að nafni COINTELPRO (dregið af skammstöfun fyrir Counter Intelligence Program) sem fól í sér eftirlit á samtökum sem voru talin ógna þjóðaröryggi Bandaríkjanna, þar á meðal samtökum femínista, Svörtu hlébarðanna, og ýmsum leiðtogum og liðsmönnum mannréttindahreyfingarinnar (e. COINTELPRO (КОИНТЕЛПРО, Counter Intelligence Program, «контрразведывательная программа») — секретная コインテルプロ(英語: COINTELPRO, Counter Intelligence Programの略 )とは、初代FBI(連邦捜査局)長官ジョン・エドガー・フーヴァーによって開発された極秘プログラムである。 1956年から1971年まで、FBIが実施して実行した一連の違法かつ極秘行動で構成されている 。 This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: 1 History00:13:41 1.1 Program exposed00:17:31 2 Intended e n. (미국 FBI의)대파괴자 첩보 활동 COINTELPRO is the acronym for Counter Intelligence Program that named the covert, often illegal projects conducted by the FBI from 1956 to 1971 that were intended to undermien and disrupt dissident, usuaully leftist American political organizations. Red baiting «Опасная роль Джин Сиберг» (англ. Seberg) — американо-британский политический триллер режиссёра Бенедикта Эндрюса по сценарию Джо Шрапнеля и Анны Уотерхаус.
FBI COINTELPRO: The U.S. Government's War Against Dissent COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was the official name of the programmatic project conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under state-sponsored terrorist J. Edgar Hoover. It's stated aim was the spying on, infiltrating, discrediting, disrupting and destruction of domestic See full list on Mar 14, 2014 · COINTELPRO was a counterintelligence program run by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from roughly 1956 to 1976. It combined the efforts of the Bureau and local police forces to track, harass, discredit, infiltrate, destroy, and destabilize dissident groups in the United States. COINTELPRO targeted … Read MoreCOINTELPRO [Counterintelligence Program] (1956-1976) Cointelpro oli sarja salaisia ja usein laittomia Yhdysvaltain keskusrikospoliisi FBI:n ohjelmia, joiden tarkoituksena oli kotimaisten poliittisten järjestöjen tutkiminen, niihin soluttautuminen, niiden häpäiseminen ja niiden häiritseminen.[1][2][3] Yhdysvaltain kansallisen turvallisuusviraston ”Project MINARET” seurasi Vietnamin sotaa arvostelevien merkittävien yhdysvaltalaisten COINTELPRO. Between 1956 and 1971, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conducted a campaign of domestic counterintelligence.
Aug 31, 2006 · like the Ku Klux Klanand the American Nazi Party. The founding document of COINTELPRO directed FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these dissident movements and their leaders. COINTELPRO De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă COINTELPRO (acronimul pentru Counter Intelligence Program) a fost un program al Biroului Federal de Investigații (FBI) al Statelor Unite, care a avut ca scop investigarea, intimidarea și destrămarea organizațiilor politice disidente din Statele Unite. Apr 18, 2017 · Counterintelligence is the term for any anti-espionage or surveillance activities aimed at spying on or breaking up domestic threats. In 1956, fresh off of the McCarthyite persecution of the early 1950s, the FBI perceived exactly this kind of threat from the Socialist Workers’ Party and the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA).
Why is there no discussion of this topic, though it appears germane, and the "target", was well within the scope that is documented the COINTELPRO's range? COINTELPRO, counterintelligence program conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1956 to 1971 to discredit and neutralize organizations considered subversive to U.S. political stability.
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COINTELPRO, counterintelligence program conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1956 to 1971 to discredit and neutralize organizations considered subversive to U.S. political stability. It was covert and often used extralegal means to criminalize various forms of political
Совершенно та же Википедия. Только лучше. Установить расширение. И это всё. Исходный код расширения WIKI 2 регулярно проверяется специалистами Mozilla Foundation, Google и … COINTELPRO (abbreviation derived from COunter INTELligence PROgram) was a series of covert and, at times, illegal projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.. Its targets included various leftist individuals and organizations, notably many associated with the COINTELPRO (singkatan untuk Counter Intelligence Program; "Program Risik Balas") ialah serantaian projek menyamar, dan selalunya salah di sisi undang-undang, yang dijalankan oleh Biro Penyiasatan Persekutuan (FBI) Amerika Syarikat dengan tujuan memantau, menyusup masuk, mencemarkan nama baik, dan mengganggu pertubuhan politik tempatan..